Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Can we afford less evil?

I just want to slap some people, a lot of people actually. Have you ever had someone tell you who to vote for because their candidate was the lesser of two evils? It seems like you can't go anywhere these days without someone offering up their political opinion about who you should vote for and why. Folks it doesn't matter who you vote for, Presidential candidates spend millions of dollars (Of Other peoples Money!!!!!)to win a job that pays less than 500k per year. Anyone who spends millions to get a job making thousands is either too stupid to unfuck a bread tie, or they are on the take. So if you are going to get evil either way you vote, then why take the lesser one? This is like saying that instead of voting for the Devil you are going to vote for one of his poker buddies because he is the lesser of two evils. You know what you get when you vote for the lesser of two evils? You get bad evil. Fuck that. If I am paying for the shit, then I want the best evil money can buy. Considering the two candidates that are available, odds are that is exactly what we are going to get.

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