Thursday, July 17, 2008

Transformers sequel to be more sci fi?

Super Director Micheal Bay revealed to Entertainment weekly that the upcoming Transformers sequel will be more Sci Fi......(exclamation point). At first glance it would appear that robots from space that turn into cars and blow the fuck out of shit is pretty Sci Fi to begin with, you might ask yourself if it is even possible to take a story about giant talking robots and add a kernel of Science a talking ape or Spiderman. Maybe if Indiana Jones really discovered the Transformers and at the end of the movie Optimus Prime's head splits open and Richard Dreyfus pops out and then he thunder punches King Kong into space where he explodes and allows General Zod to escape from the Phantom Zone, setting up the middle two movies in a five part trilogy about how Earth is really GOD's butt plug. Of course if you saw the first bloody turd link of a movie you might say to yourself......fuck maybe less gay kid and more talking robots and that would be cool.

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