Thursday, August 14, 2008

The R-word

Is this really 2008? I just think I heard someone use the R-word instead of the proper nomenclature......RETARDED. Did Retards suddenly become self aware and less Retarded? Are consumers soon to be held over the barrel of the incredible buying power of the Retarded community if we do not fall into step with the Retard agenda? What are the true consequences of offending the Retard culture? Self awareness is one of the fundamental building blocks of being offended. If you do not understand who you are or where you are at, then how would you know if you are offended. If a Retard gets offended by a word they don't even understand, then that is one angry Retard and I would sooner know what provokes that beast so I don't make a slip and end up in the grips of its good arm. Be wary of the good arm.......Retard strength is no joke.

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